We Sell and Repair High-Quality Central Vacuums
for Portland, Falmouth, ME & the Surrounding Areas

Our customers always get the best of the best when it comes to appliances and customer service. Our systems have all of the components you could want in a central vacuum.

No matter the size of the building you’re looking to equip, you can count on us to provide you with the perfect central vacuums. Our team can seamlessly install and repair the central vacuum of your choice. We provide our installation services for Portland, Falmouth, Windham, Scarborough, ME, and the surrounding areas.  

Give us a call today to learn more about our selection of central vacuums or visit one of our showrooms to shop our other vacuum cleaners!

Signs You Need a New Vacuum Cleaner

If you don’t already own a vacuum cleaner and you own or rent property, it is essential that you have a vacuum cleaner. Not owning a vacuum cleaner is one of the most obvious signs that you need a new vacuum cleaner. However, even if you already own a vacuum cleaner, it may be time for you to purchase a new one. Over the years, vacuum cleaner technology has advanced, and you may be shocked what a newer model is capable of. Some signs you may need a new vacuum cleaner include:

  • Owning an Outdated Vacuum Cleaner: If you are using an outdated vacuum cleaner, we recommend getting it replaced. Newer vacuum cleaners are easier to maneuver, gentler for carpets, have better suction, can reach challenging corners, and are better at getting fine dust particles.

  • A Bad Smell When You Vacuum: If the air smells bad when you vacuum, you are likely overdue for a new vacuum. A bad smell usually means your filter is not working properly. In other words, what you are trying to remove from your floor is going into the air instead. Tiny particles of dust are polluting your air. This could aggravate asthmatic symptoms, cause coughing, and produce a burning sensation in your throat. The longer you continue to use this vacuum, the worse these symptoms will get. Make sure you are using a new vacuum cleaner with a high-quality filter that will prevent unwanted particles from entering the air.

  • Your Vacuum Cleaner Does Not Clean Your Surface: Some vacuum cleaners are designed to only run on certain types of materials. For example, some vacuum cleaners only work on tile or wood, whereas others only work on carpet. At Vacuum Doctor, we have a variety of models that can work on almost any floor surface.

  • Your Floor Does Not Appear Clean After Vacuuming: Nothing is worse than spending half an hour vacuuming only to discover that very little was removed from your floor. Depending on the state of your floor, you should see a significant difference in the cleanliness after you finish vacuuming.

  • Your Vacuum Cleaner is Unreliable: A vacuum cleaner that does not always start is one that should be replaced.

Luckily, our vacuum cleaner stores proudly serve clients throughout Scarborough, Windham, Portland, Falmouth, ME, and the surrounding areas. Here you can find a vacuum cleaner that works great in your home or property. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our professionals.

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